
卡通动漫IP产业 Cartoon Animation IP Industry




According to relevant statistics, in the animation industry chain, the market size of derivatives is far higher than that of cartoon animation content broadcast market, and the whole animation derivative market has also grown from 12.9 billion yuan in 2009 to nearly 65 billion yuan.

As animation derivatives become the main source of income of animation industry, large space of the derivatives market is open, zhao feng advertising adhere to the original anime IP innovation, and gradually open the industry culture integration business model, opening high in the field of consumer goods business authorization, at the same time a series of layout to expand the international market.

Against the background of cross-boundary integration and collaborative development of the pan-entertainment industry, the original cartoon and animation industry, with its strong creative design ability and brand copyright value, is gradually integrated into the great circle of the national economy. Industrial layout around IP is the core content and value embodiment of the pan-entertainment era.




原创IP形象设计开发                                    个性化风格手绘插画                                    品牌文创产品衍生

创意特产                                                   创意伴手礼                                                文旅文创产品开发

品牌IP形象                                                品牌吉祥物设计                                          IP衍生品设计

创意产品设计                                             IP卡通形象授权图稿衍生创作