

品牌整合及再设计Brand Structure And Redesign




When a company expands its territory, they realized the strong influence of an international brand-this brand must have its consistency and continuity in the global market. Today, many enterprises has changed their usual way of introducing new products in the market, from stages and regional operating ways moving to a synchronized strategy on the global market. This is an extension of the brand, and at the same time will also caused structural changes on its packaging as well as labeling, this will then lose the brand's consistency and continuity, resulting consumer's' confusion mistrust towards product commitment.

On the other hand for our consumers, this will give them more options in the market unlike before, especially in today's new generation consumers, they expect and need something different. Today, 80% of the consumer's purchase decision lies on the products stand, first impression of the product is very important to them and no longer consider much on the brand's name and popularity nor their purchase history. Thus, package re-designing becomes important. development of an industry changes of retailers channels, and rising of big supermarket's own brand, all of these becomes the driving force of package re-designing.
Our architectural integration and package re-designing are based on the above factors. At the same time must also considered how to maintain connection with the consumers in designing re-launch products.




品牌调研与诊断                                          品牌架构梳理                                             品牌价值提炼

副品牌命名                                                老商标设计优化升级                                    新副牌商标设计

产品命名优化                                             产品品牌广告语升级                                    已有产品老包装升级

新品系列化设计方案                                    新老全系列产品设计规范制定